SyuRo means palm tree in Japanese, with its leaves that spread open like welcoming hands. This welcoming gesture and its connection to traditional hand-made Japanese goods, or monozukuri, is the driving concept behind SyuRo.
Masuko Unayama launched the company in 2006, and in 2008 opened a shop in Tokyo, in old Edo's Shitamachi. The area itself is filled with classic typesetters, canning factories, cloth wholesalers, and hardware stores, and nestled among them are small, family-run workshops engaged in meticulous monozukuri. All SyuRo products, from tea canisters to chopsticks, are produced on an extremely small scale, with these traditional methods. Artisans and their craft, cultivated over many years, remain alive here.
SyuRo strives to retain the treasures of our artisans in an age of global mass production, and visitors are welcome for regular events at the store that aim to deepen understanding of the manufacturing processes.